Whether it’s your first trip to an indoor cycling studio or you’re a cycling class veteran, it can be intimidating to speak to the instructor.

While it can be easy to make up excuses not to talk to your instructor, they genuinely want you to feel comfortable talking to them, especially about something that might affect your workout.

So for the timid beginners out there, here are three times you should absolutely approach your instructor.

It’s Your First Time at a Fitness Class
While you may be tempted to hang out in the back and learn by osmosis, it is important to let the instructor know it’s your first cycling class, not just so that your instructor can get to know you – though they do! – but also because there is a chance you might hurt yourself if you have the improper form or set up the equipment incorrectly. Giving your instructor a quick heads up will help you get the most out of class, and safely!

You Have to Take it Easy Because You Are Sick, Injured, or Pregnant
Cycling is great exercise. In fact, just one hour cycling at 10 mph can burn up to 600 calories! That being said, it can also take a toll on your body. Whatever the reason is, if you have to take it easy, then let your instructor know before the class, that way they don’t accidentally pressure you to give more than you can. Cycling class is fun, but it’s also about work. Your instructor wants to see you give your all. Letting them know you have less to give can help avoid confusion.

If You Have to Leave Early
Nothing is worse than having to teach a class while worried that one of your cyclists is upset or sick from the class. If you know that you will have to leave early, just let your instructor know. It is your time! You paid to be there, after all. There’s no reason to think your instructor will be mad at you.

At StarCycle, we are here to help you get a kickass workout, while honoring what you need that day. Talk to us! Let your instructor know if you have questions or requests; we are here to support you.